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An ad campaign that rethinks Trader Joe's sub-brands by shifting the perspective of their private label products from where they come from to who they are made for, engaging in targeted marketing and making the shopping experience of certain subcultures feel like it was "tailored by Joe, to you." 

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85% of Trader Joe's products are private label, which allows them to keep a low SKU count and, therefore, operate in smaller footprint stores. This helps them secure premium locations in high income, densely populated, and culturally diverse urban areas. They have sub-brands within their private label to give a cultural flare to certain products, such as "Trader Giottos's" for Italian food, "Trader Ming's" for Asian Food, and "Trader José," for Mexican food.  


What if, instead of having brands that identify where the product comes from, Trader Joe's had sub-brands that identified who those products were made for? That's the concept behind Tailored by Joe: Create new products, branding, and packaging that hyper-target specific subcultures to attract new customers and create a connection with the brand through a sense of care, thoughtfulness, and belonging. Check out the media gallery below to see examples of target audiences, products, and media assets. 

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Trader Joe's is known for keeping costs low with marketing and, especially, advertising. Opting, instead, to use that money for integral parts of their unique strategy, such as product selection and development. This campaign, however, doesn't really need to be a campaign, it can be integrated into their strategy. Keeping up with their culture of innovation, new product launches targeted at specific sub-cultures could help them reconnect with specific audiences whenever their customer demographics skew too much to any side. As more products are launched, with time, each sub-culture will build a sort of collection of products, and customers that align with those ideals will have an enhanced shopping experience as they'll know what to look for. Eg: "The stuff in the pink packaging: I know that's for me."

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